Types of Acne and their Treatment Option

If you are apt to acne, you are not alone. Acne is the most frequent skin disease in the world. But, if you have recognized the type of acne then you can prevent and treat them through several ways. If you are seeking the solution of this world famous problem, we are here to help you. In this blog, we are going to talk about different types of acne and their solution.

Type 1: Comedonal acne

In simple words, comedonal acne is the type of acne that occurs due to clogged pores. This type is typically found in individuals whose skin does not yield as swiftly. They have a tendency to have some amount of waxes or oil in the skin. This appears as tiny bumps throughout the skin but frequently focused in the T-zone.

How to treat: it is quite easy to treat comedonal acne. Skin Clinic Melbourne recommends taking retinoid, which is helpful to increase the skin exfoliation and turnover which lead to unclogged pores. In the case of mild comedonal acne, it is suggested to take the products that contain glycolic or salicylic acid for exfoliating the top stratum of your skin.


Type 2: Inflammatory acne

Inflammatory acne is the very common type of all the acne. Inflammatory acne appears as blackheads, whiteheads, and red bumps. Inflammatory acne occurs randomly, means you may awaken with a pimple for no reason or rhyme. Inflammatory acne occurs more frequently in men because of their higher levels of testosterone which lead to more production of oil.

How to treat: the simplest way to get rid of this type of acne is prevention. You should wash your face at least two times in a day and try to control the oil of your face. Search for products containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or tea tree oil. There are two main benefits of Benzoyl peroxide. It is responsible for reducing the bacteria which are related to inflammatory acne as well as it is considered as a skin-unclogging and oil-reducing product. Keep in mind that, many individuals are susceptible to benzoyl peroxide as it can be irritating and drying to the skin. Hence, you need to be careful while making use of products containing benzoyl peroxide.


Type 3: Cystic acne

It is scratching type of acne having profound irritation in the skin. This is the serious form of acne plus something that needs to be treated early on. We suggest prevailing aggressively and early.

How to treat: It is recommended to visit Skin Clinic to treat cystic acne. However, some health experts may suggest taking Accutane. Accutane is an implausible medicine which can be very helpful for people having acne. This medicine should be taken for at least 5 to 6 months to get great results. However, some potential risks are allied, but there are several benefits as well.

According to Skin Clinic Melbourne, approx 30% of individuals who take Accutane never catch acne again, and many people find this medicine less inflamed and more manageable.

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